Who We Are

Hey Y'all!

Welcome to the House of Wallace...Come on in, take your shoes off and stay a while!

Who We Are…In A Nutshell

My name is Jessica and the awesome man I married is Clint.

For the detailed story of how we met, check out the series below.
House of Wallace: The Beginning Part 1
House of Wallace: The Beginning Part 2
House of Wallace: The Beginning Part 3

A few tidbits about us…
·         Clint is very tall (6’4).  I am very short (5’2).  It is common for people to comment on our height difference because I don’t even make it to his shoulder.  He is exceptional at reaching the sugar in the top cabinet.   
·         I am talkative and Clint, well, is not.  A typical conversation would consist of me talking for 10 minutes straight and Clint answering with, “Yup” or “Mmhmm.”  This is why I will, more than likely, be the only writer on this blog, ha.
·         I love organic produce/products and trying new recipes, Clint on the other hand thinks organic is a waste of money and would be happy eating tacos and steak/potatoes EVERY single day.
·         I am jealous of Clint’s ability to tan.  He can spend 5 minutes in the sun and look like a beach bum.  I on the other hand can tan but it takes me weeks to even begin to achieve a worthy tan. 
·         I work indoors in an office and Clint works outdoors.  He could never work inside all day and I could never work outside all day. 
·         We were both born and raised in Arkansas and still reside there today.  Arkansas is a beautiful state, very scenic and great for hiking.
·         One thing I truly value in our marriage is that we both love the Lord and are proud of it!  Clint has been such a strong influence in the development of my relationship with the Lord and I am eternally grateful. 
·         We do not currently have any children but we do have two dogs.  A basset hound named Ruger and a Yorkie named Ceasar. Brothers!
·         I buy pints of ice cream because if I buy a quart (or a gallon), we will eat it ALL in one day.  Guilty, yes.  Don’t judge us.
·         We love to watch movies, any movie will do.  Old, new, comedy, drama, action, horror, we will watch it.  We also love music.  If we aren't watching movies, we are listening to music.    
·         We began in 2013 trying to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.  We have fallen off the wagon a couple times but we keep climbing back on.  It really helps when we are both on board.  Refer back to the previous tidbit about the ice cream…
·         Once when I was feeling down, to make me feel better Clint said, “Babe, you have to sing the songs you want to sing.”  Silly I know but that saying always makes me feel better because he means that I have to do what I want to do, not what everyone else wants or what I think everyone else wants. 

Well, that is us in a nutshell.  If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch!