Sunday, October 13, 2013

House of Wallace: The Beginning Part 3

We spent that Christmas meeting each other's family.  Everyone embraced us as a couple with open arms because it was clear how much we cared for one another.  We celebrated the coming of 2008 together; we both knew it was going to be a wonderful year.  The first of many years together.   

So much had changed in such a short amount of time.  All within 6 months time, I had ended a terrible relationship and started what would become a lifetime of happiness with the man I love.

In March, Clint and I were sitting at a friend’s house and Clint was playing with his phone.  He handed the phone to me and he had his calendar pulled up.  I looked at him, confused.  He smiled back at me and told me to pick a date.  I responded with, “For what?”  and he said, “To get married.”  It took me a moment for his comment to sink in.  I asked him if he was proposing to me and he said yes.  I laughed and said I guess if you are asking then I am saying yes!  Such a romantic. 

I was thrilled.  We told our friends and they didn’t believe us because we really hadn’t been together very long and we also liked to joke around, a lot.  They all thought we were just playing a joke on them but we insisted that it wasn't a joke, we were serious. They were all so very happy for us.  They had been routing for us as a couple since we first met; they all knew we were meant to be together. 

What happened to the friendship between John and Clint you may ask.  Well, simply put, they are no longer friends.  All is fair in love and war, right?

Clint was ready to get married as soon as I said yes but I told him I wanted to have a small wedding and I needed time to plan.  We set the date for July 26, 2008.  After researching venues and much deliberation, we decided to have an outdoor wedding at a property my parents owned.  It was an old home from the late 1800s they had purchased and were in the process of renovating.  Now, if you know anything about Arkansas, you know the end of July is miserably hot HOT.  I cannot begin to describe the intensity level of heat that day.  Clint’s groomsmen were close to heat exhaustion in their 3-piece suits.  Everything turned out beautifully, heat and all.  Our wedding was everything I imagined and more.  To keep in line with our love of Jimi Hendrix, I walked down the aisle to the instrumental version of Bold as was perfect.  The journey to this point was not an easy one but it was worth it. 

We went on a low-key honeymoon to Northwest Arkansas.  We stayed in a yurt in the Boston Mountains, very scenic and peaceful.  We had a great time and were very excited to return home, officially, as Mr. & Mrs. Clint Wallace.  

Since we got married, our lives have been pretty low key.  We bought our first home in August of 2009 and I finished my bachelors degree in finance, two very exciting events for the both of us.

Well, that is pretty much the story of the HOW!  Thanks for stopping by, you are welcome anytime!


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